Business Law and Practice: Explain whether Simon is liable for the sum

You act for Simon Shepperton. In March 2018, Simon retired from Sibert & Sons (“Sibert”), a cyber-business which he set up in partnership with Robert Maynard in 2010. Being friends, Simon and Robert did not enter into a partnership agreement when they set up the business, and simply shared everything equally. Simon took no legal […]

Hegelian dialectic from The Wise King by Simon Doubleday

At the start of the semester, you learned about the Hegelian dialectic of thesis‐antithesis‐and synthesis. In a paper of 3 pages, please identify and describe two of these cultural syntheses derived from the book, The Wise King, by Simon Doubleday. My purpose, however, is not just to have students write a paper.  There are two […]