Financial and Resource Management

Gareth has asked you to produce a formal report for the Board of Directors at PNJ Ltd about this investment project that appraises each investment option (using discounted and non-discounted techniques) and gives a justified recommendation for the preferred choice. He has also asked you to comment on the risks involved in this project and […]

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: AI technology applications for supporting

This is a two part paper with the first part being “Your CEO has requested a report be compiled to ascertain the benefits, and risks to your organisation of a range of AI technology applications for supporting management of its people. The CEO is keen that you take advantage of your HR network and include […]

Week 5: Resource Management in Project Management (graded) 33 unread

Week 5: Resource Management in Project Management (graded) 33 unread replies.33 replies. As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, […]

Assignment DescriptionPhysical Activity Resource Guide After having

Assignment Description Physical Activity Resource Guide After having read the websites cited in the introduction and read your peers posts develop an out of the box physical activity resource guide (brochure). Imagine that your peers all live in the same general locale. Research fun and unusual but accessible activities that will meet the physical activity […]

Critical Chain Project Management, WBS, Planning and Resource

You should identify a specific planning and resource management problem that is impacting on the ability to deliver a project within your organisation; this can either be a project that you are currently working on or have recently worked on. You should critically analyse the problem and make specific recommendations on the planning and resource […]

Human Resource Management (Training and development: Training

An article abstract is due as part of the class requirements. Students should pick two articles, written by different authors that address one training topic (for example, needs analysis, evaluation, adult learning etc.) Both articles should address the same topic. Students can select the topic. Any topic found in the Subject Index of the Noe […]

Human Resource Function in Edu Admin U3

1. Student achievement is often linked to performance appraisal of teachers and to retention and merit pay increases. Examine the issues concerning the relationships between teacher performance and student achievement. 2. Three major types of systems are used to evaluate teacher performance. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of these in terms of their fairness and […]

Human Resource Management: Boston Consulting Group’s global HR

Boston Consulting Group, Inc. (BCG) is an American multinational management consulting firm with more than 90 offices in 50 countries. In this research paper, you should focus on the global HR structure at the BCG. The paper should be five pages long (the body itself). You should also make the bibliography page as APA format. […]

International Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

3) Read the following articles and discuss how HR should respond to the problems caused by pay differentials between expatriates and local staff. Carr, S. C. and McWha-Hermann, I. (2016) Expat wages up to 900% higher than for local employees, research shows. The Guardian (20th Apr 2016). Available: #International #Human #Resource #Management #Organisational #Behaviour

.How effectively is the human resource function contributing to the

Description Pick an organization where you are acting as an outside Human Resource Management consultant that is presenting to the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Human Resource Officer, and Chief Financial Officer of the organization. Provide a brief overview of the organization, the HR function Give answers the following questions: 1.How effectively is the human resource […]