instructions: replies should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs Nursing Assignment Help

instructions: replies should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs each peer 1: The code of ethics in the American Nurses Association (ANA) sets the standards of care for how a nurse should perform while delivering patient care. These ethics include autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmaleficence. The code of ethics may not always have a clear […]

Assignments 1- Answer to Discussion question two. 2- DQ replies to 3 DQs. Instructions for Answer to Question 1- After Each DQ (question), write down references 2- 300 minimum words for every DQ, you Nursing Assignment Help

Assignments 1- Answer to Discussion question two. 2- DQ replies to 3 DQs. Instructions for Answer to Question 1- After Each DQ (question), write down references 2- 300 minimum words for every DQ, you can go up to 700 words but answer should be complete. 3- 2-3 references for each question 4- References should be […]

Discussion board replies Nursing Assignment Help

Instructions Reply prompt: Respond to the two discussion questions who reached a different conclusion than you did. Identify the points of difference in your analyses and explain how your sources and analysis led you to your conclusion. Replies must be at least 450 words each discussion reply. Each reply must reference at least 3 scholarly sources […]

Week 5: Resource Management in Project Management (graded) 33 unread replies.33 replies. As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and tho Nursing Assignment Help

Week 5: Resource Management in Project Management (graded) 33 unread replies.33 replies. As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, […]

CB discussion replies

Please reply to all parts with 150 words a piece Part 1 The simplest way to define managed care is: an insurance contract between payors and providers.  The providers agree to accept a certain dollar amount per person who receives care.  Managed care was created because people were not able to afford healthcare.     Two […]

CRB discussion replies

Please reply to all parts with 150 words a piece Part 1 In an article “Where is Managed Care Now?” written by Marc Roberts it states that For years, most doctors and hospitals have been paid on a ‘fee-for-service’ basis. Like piecework payment in the garment industry, such arrangements have the predictable effect of encouraging […]

Discussion board 2 replies to peers post needed

respond to 2 of your peers posts.No references required . each reply should be about 250-500 words. 1 respond should be to the following post:   According to The World Health Organization of 2023, healthcare inequity is defined “as the absence of unfair and avoidable or remediable differences in health among population groups defined socially, economically, […]

4 Discussion Part II replies

Respond to the following posts: 1. Nursing carelessness can be defined as violations of the acceptable level of care that a competent physician would employ in a particular scenario, leading to patient damage. Failure to correctly record a patient’s medical information, neglecting to react to a patient’s calls light in a reasonable timeframe, or administering […]

4 discussion replies

Reply to these posts: 1. My learning style is visual learning, and my teaching style is Transitional/student-influenced. Both of these surprisingly correlate with each other. Student-Influenced teaching style, Per Carlton Education, “uses a variety of image and diagram types, and sometimes videos, to illustrate a few observations related to the concept” (2016), which is spot […]