The relationship between John and ELizabeth Proctor in Act II of the

 At least 950 words that explains the relationship between John and ELizabeth Proctor in Act II of the Crucible and how Elizabeth helps John to change. Example thesis: While John Proctor begins the play as an ordinary sinner paralyzed by guilt, his wife Elizabeth helps him to confront his feelings, forgive himself for his past […]

According to Proctor and Schiebinger, there are many kinds of

–          For this week’s e-response, please read the selection from Robert Proctor and Londa Schiebinger’s book Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance  Actions and respond to the following questions:   1. Proctor and Schiebinger want to “begin a discussion of ignorance as more than the ‘not yet known’ or the steadily retreating frontier.”  What do […]