International Issues Paper Instructions– Anthro 41a/ IS 11

You are required to turn in a one paragraph summary explaining which recent international event you INTEND to write your paper on to your TA on the evening of Feb. 11 (the night of the midterm). Please be sure there are a sufficient number of newspaper articles from different sources available to support your topic […]

Which international strategy does McDonald’s employ? Is it effective?

• Which trends in McDonald’s external environment are likely to have the greatest impact on the company’s ability to sustain a competitive advantage? • Which international strategy does McDonald’s employ? Is it effective? How so? • Which business-level strategy does McDonald’s employ? Is it effective? How so? Assessment will be based on the basis of […]

POL ESSAY Instructions: Doing International Relations

  1.      Discuss 2 of the 4 SCENES on the next page. These are scenes of international politics and discuss them by following how we have discussed them in lectures and tutorials.   2.      There are links to follow media accounts of the scene to make yourself familiar with the scene and to begin your […]

International affairs

Description For the past three decades transnational development institutions (WB, IMF, WTO) insisted that neoliberal free-market policies were the best policy alternative to foster development in countries in the Global South. Select a country that adopted these policies in the Global South to answer the following question: have neoliberal development policies had a positive or […]


Assignment Brief For this assignment you should visit one of the following types of operations and analyse it as an operation. NOTE that this is not an exercise in marketing or management of people. Please choose : HAMAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – DOHA-QATAR The operation need not be based in Qatar, but it must be an […]

Variety Analysis of Intercultural Communication in International

Choose an article that is worthy and provides empirical research offering valid theories and statistical findings that support hypotheses. The definition of a current article means less than one-year old. The critique must be comprehensive and must include the following: 1. Title of the Journal 2. Volume number, date, month and page numbers of the […]

U.S. and international policies, strategies and objectives. Compare

Please answer following question in an essay formate. Respond for each should be at least 3 pages. Question 1: Available Durgs, DTO’s, trafficking methods Explain the primary traffickers and routes for each of the 5 major illicit drugs available in the U.S.( cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine and MDMA). Question 2: U.S. and international policies, strategies […]

International Joint Ventures: The implications of the type of joint

International Joint Venture module Assingment. The assignment is based on In Module exercise.Where we can either collaborate with either one of the European based companies on the basis of most suitable offer The Question details is as follow Select one of the European Companies (EM or HC) featured in the module Collaboration Exercise. From the […]

International Business Research Topic: International monetary system;

The purpose of this assignment is to provide familiarity with current research in International Business issues. Critical Analysis capacities and be able to go deeper detecting potential gaps in the literature are paramount at this level. Students select an International Business Research topic from the topics indicated in list below and conduct a thorough analysis […]

Cocotopia International

 For all questions on this exam, imagine that you work for Cocotopia International, (Cocotopia, or CI), a US-based company that produces chocolate products. You work in Cocotopia’s Purchasing Department and are in charge of purchasing cocoa[1] beans. (Cocoa is mixed with other ingredients such as milk and sugar to make chocolate.) You manage a team […]