America in Midpassage – Discussion 4 – Fighting Mr. Madison’s War

 Answer the following question using the attached PDF Lecture Slides file and the Chapter 6 PDF files from the book Founding Brothers…..From 2012-2015 America witnessed the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Yet unlike the anniversary of the American Revolution or Civil War, Americans did very little to commemorate this conflict. Why would Americans […]

To what extent was religion the thing they were fighting over? Why do

1. Why did the Wars of Religion occur? To what extent was religion the thing they were fighting over? Why do these wars matter? 2. Which “Revolution” was the more “revolutionary,” in your opinion – the Scientific, the French, or the Industrial? Which had the greatest significance for later Western history? 3. What do you […]

Analysis of : Deborah Tannen Fighting for Our Lives article

Purpose Deconstructing and analyzing arguments are the foundations of good argumentation. As Lazere posits, its not just about sounding good, it is about having a “sound argument”. Learning how to identify the claim, reasoning, and use of evidence will help you understand what constitutes fair arguments, in addition to creating your own in future assignments […]