Earlier in this unit, you completed the lab titled Bacterial Isolation. Now it is time to write up your lab report describing the hypothesis and conclusions you drew from the lab experience. By comp

Earlier in this unit, you completed the lab titled Bacterial Isolation. Now it is time to write up your lab report describing the hypothesis and conclusions you drew from the lab experience. By completing the lab report, you will demonstrate your ability to do the following:  Describe the lab’s overall objective and make a hypothesis Introduce relevant […]

Charles Drew University 41 Year Old Man with Blurred Vision Essay

A 41-year-old executive presents to your office with a chief complaint of blurred vision. He went to the optometrist in the shopping mall, who found nothing wrong with his eyesight. The optometrist suggested a checkup from a primary care physician. The patient has not seen a doctor in over 10 years. The nurse in your […]

Charles Drew University 50 Year Old Woman with Hand Tingling Essay

A 50-year-old secretary named Mildred Payne is in your office complaining of tingling in her left hand. She feels this is an early sign of a stroke and requests to be seen immediately. Her usual physician is your partner, who has the day off to testify at a malpractice hearing. The patient has no appointment […]

Charles Drew University 4 Month Old Woman Emotionally Drained Since Giving Birth Essay

A mother has brought in her 4-month-old infant for a scheduled health maintenance visit. Vital Signs: Temperature 98.6°F Blood pressure 105/60 mmHg Respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute Heart rate 100 beats per minute.HISTORY—Include significant positives and negatives from the history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems, and social and family history. […]

Charles Drew University 20 Year Old Female with Weight Loss Paper

Your patient is a 20-year-old woman named Linda Luckey. Her mother has scheduled this appointment because she feels her daughter is overly concerned with her weight. The mother is afraid that her daughter may have an eating disorder. Upon entering the examination room, you see a cachectic-appearing young woman with thin, fine hair. She is […]