Public Health Administration Final Project

Your group are members of newly formed WHO committee with a task to reconsider existing WHO strategies and improve the health of the global population. Your task is to address a specific health problem and draft a report on it. These reports will serve as background information for discussion and as input for the final WHO recommendation on the issue. Students as members of this committee have to write such a study. You can choose any global health problem and write a paper. The paper should be coherently structured, show your understanding of the topic, and have adequate referencing.

All reports should cover the following topics:

Global patterns of the health problem

Biological, lifestyle/ behavioral and social determinants of the health problem

Formulate a strategy that should be chosen to tackle this health problem (make sure to offer a suggestion for improvement of current WHO strategies).

  • Reflect on the ethical and political consequences of addressing the problem in the proposed way

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Public Health Administration Final Project

Nursing Assignment Help


As a member of the newly formed WHO committee, it is our responsibility to reassess existing WHO strategies and enhance the health of the global population. In order to fulfill this task, each member is required to address a specific health problem and draft a comprehensive report on it. The purpose of these reports is to provide background information for discussion and to contribute to the final recommendation of the WHO on the issue. In this assignment, you will choose a global health problem and write a coherent and well-structured paper. The paper should demonstrate your understanding of the topic and incorporate appropriate referencing. It should cover global patterns of the health problem, biological, lifestyle/ behavioral and social determinants of the problem, formulate a strategy for addressing the health problem, and reflect on the ethical and political consequences of the proposed approach.


Global Health Problem: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

1. Global Patterns of the Health Problem:

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose a significant global health problem, accounting for approximately 70% of all deaths worldwide. These diseases, which include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, have become the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in both developed and developing countries. The burden of NCDs is particularly high in low- and middle-income countries, where the prevalence and associated mortality rates are rapidly increasing. Global patterns reveal a rising trend of NCDs in populations worldwide, leading to a substantial socioeconomic impact.

2. Biological, Lifestyle/Behavioral, and Social Determinants of the Health Problem:

The development and progression of NCDs are influenced by a myriad of determinants. Biological factors include genetic predisposition and physiological changes that increase susceptibility to the diseases. Lifestyle and behavioral determinants play a crucial role, including tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and harmful use of alcohol. These behaviors, prevalent across different societies, contribute significantly to the development of NCDs. Additionally, social determinants such as socioeconomic status, education, and access to healthcare services influence the risk and outcomes of NCDs. Health inequities, arising from disparities in these determinants, further amplify the global burden of NCDs.

3. Strategy for Tackling the Health Problem and Recommending Improvements to Current WHO Strategies:

To effectively address the global burden of NCDs, a comprehensive strategy should be implemented. This strategy should focus on prevention, early detection, and management of NCDs. Firstly, promoting healthy lifestyles through awareness campaigns, education, and policies is essential. This includes encouraging regular physical activity, minimizing tobacco and alcohol consumption, and promoting healthy dietary habits. Additionally, strengthening healthcare systems to ensure early detection and effective management of NCDs is crucial, including access to affordable diagnostic tools, medications, and specialized care.

Improvement of current WHO strategies should include stronger collaboration between governments, international organizations, healthcare professionals, and the private sector. The WHO can lead efforts in establishing standardized guidelines and protocols for NCD prevention, surveillance, and management. Prioritizing research and innovation in NCD prevention and treatment methods, as well as ensuring equitable access to essential medicines, is of utmost importance. Furthermore, integrating NCD prevention and management into primary healthcare systems can improve efficiency and ensure sustainability.

4. Ethical and Political Consequences:

Addressing the global burden of NCDs in the proposed manner brings forth several ethical and political consequences. Firstly, promoting healthier lifestyles may challenge personal freedoms and cultural norms, necessitating sensitive approaches to ensure respect for diverse values and traditions. It is important to balance population-level interventions with individual autonomy, while also considering the potential stigmatization of certain groups. Additionally, implementing effective strategies may require significant financial investments, policymaker commitment, and international cooperation. Political will and global governance structures are crucial to ensure sustained efforts towards NCD prevention and management.

In conclusion, tackling the global burden of non-communicable diseases requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the biological, lifestyle/behavioral, and social determinants of the problem. The suggested strategy emphasizes prevention, early detection, and management, with a focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and strengthening healthcare systems. Improving current WHO strategies requires enhanced collaboration, research, and innovation, and integration into primary healthcare. While implementing these strategies may pose ethical and political challenges, the potential for improving global health outcomes is significant.

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